Are you a small business owner looking for a FAST way to start selling online?
Let Us Launch Your 
E-Commerce Store On Shopify For You
We are e-commerce and digital marketing experts
 with 20+ years of experience
Some of the top Canadian brands we worked with:
Why Shopify?
The #1 E-Commerce Platform In The World
Used by over 800,000+ stores including Kylie Jenner's store that sells over $300M per year through Shopify.
Pricing starts from $29/month up to $299/month with up to ZERO transaction fees (when using Shopify Payments.)
Simple User Interface
You can learn to use the Shopify backend software to run your store (monitor sales, add products...) within less than an hour even if you are not a technical person.
Thousands Of Apps To Enhance Your Store
The Shopify App Store has an ever-updating catalogue of thousands of apps you can integrate with your ecommerce store to enhance your users' experience and increase your sales.
Professional Reporting
Shopify gives you access to all the sales reports you'll need as a small business owner. 
Perfect For Small to Medium Sized Businesses
It's the perfect option for small to medium businesses to start selling physical goods online. It's simple, easy to use and gives you all the functionality you need as a small to medium business.
Why Shopify?
The #1 E-Commerce Platform In The World
Used by over 800,000+ stores including Kylie Jenner's store that sells over $300M per year through Shopify.
Pricing starts from $29/month up to $299/month with up to ZERO transaction fees (when using Shopify Payments.)
Simple User Interface
You can learn to use the Shopify backend software to run your store (monitor sales, add products...) within less than an hour even if you are not a technical person.
Thousands Of Apps To Enhance Your Store
The Shopify App Store has an ever-updating catalogue of thousands of apps you can integrate with your ecommerce store to enhance your users' experience and increase your sales.
Professional Reporting
Used by over 800,000+ stores including Kylie Jenner's store that sells over $300M per year through Shopify.
Perfect For Small to Medium Sized Businesses
It's the perfect option for small to medium businesses to start selling physical goods online. It's simple, easy to use and gives you all the functionality you need as a small to medium business.
About MXO | Technologies
A leader in e-commerce, MXO has been building online e-commerce stores since the early 2000's.

The agency aims to relief the technological difficulties of small to medium businesses looking to make a digital transformation and begin using the internet to grow their sales and lead their industries.

MXO's talented team allowed the agency to be ranked as one of top 500 fastest growing companies in Canada for the last three consecutive years!

Our team of developers has a tight grip on the Shopify platform and is ready to create your shopify store in the most perfect fashion.
About MXO | Technologies
A leader in e-commerce, MXO has been building online e-commerce stores since the early 2000's.

The agency aims to relief the technological difficulties of small to medium businesses looking to make a digital transformation and begin using the internet to grow their sales and lead their industries.

MXO's talented team allowed the agency to be ranked as one of top 500 fastest growing companies in Canada for the last three consecutive years!

Our team of developers has a tight grip on the Shopify platform and is ready to create your shopify store in the most perfect fashion.
are you tired of messing with tech?
Do You Want Someone To Just Do It For You?
Then you're in the right place...
Dear Entrepreneur,
You're the visionary, the leader, the captain of this boat.

Your place is not hunched over trying to figure out technical errors and mistakes, hiring developers and firing them and getting frustrated over something that could be solved so easily for you.

Stop trying to do everything on your own.

You may be thinking about starting to sell your products online and start an e-commerce store but the tech setup scared you out of even trying.

OR... you might have tried to start a Shopify store before and got overwhelmed by all the design and technical aspects of the setup of the website. 

So you may have quickly realized that while Shopify is easy to run when it's fully setup, the setup is no easy task.

Imagine all the extra sales you could be making with your new Shopify store... that you're missing out on right now. 

Is it hundreds of sales? Thousands of sales? Hundreds of thousands of extra orders online? Who knows!

Today we want to STOP the wondering, and actually help you make these sales predictions come true.
  over 20 Years Of Experience
We have over 20 years of experience in digital marketing and we've worked with some of the biggest brands in Canada.
  FAST & Cost-Effective Deployment
We will launch your ecommerce store to start making sales FAST... while keeping costs at a minimum.
  Completely Done For You
You'll receive a turn-key ecommerce store ready to start accepting payments and growing your sales online!
are you tired of messing with tech?
Do You Want Someone To Just Do It For You?
Then you're in the right place...
Dear Entrepreneur,
You're the visionary, the leader, the captain of this boat.

Your place is not hunched over trying to figure out technical errors and mistakes, hiring developers and firing them and getting frustrated over something that could be solved so easily for you.

Stop trying to do everything on your own.

You may be thinking about starting to sell your products online and start an e-commerce store but the tech setup scared you out of even trying.

OR... you might have tried to start a Shopify store before and got overwhelmed by all the design and technical aspects of the setup of the website. 

So you may have quickly realized that while Shopify is easy to run when it's fully setup, the setup is no easy task.

Imagine all the extra sales you could be making with your new Shopify store... that you're missing out on right now. 

Is it hundreds of sales? Thousands of sales? Hundreds of thousands of extra orders online? Who knows!

Today we want to STOP the wondering, and actually help you make these sales predictions come true.
MXO Shopify Funnel Setup Service
Get your money-making Shopify store launched and ready to receive orders in 6-12 weeks completely done for you!
Here's what this service will do for you:
  •  You'll have your Shopify store up and running in a record time, looking exactly how you want it to 
  •  You'll feel safe that your ecommerce store is being built by professionals with over 20 years of experience dedicated to helping small businesses like yours
  •   You'll be able to start selling online and jump on the e-commerce trend 
  •   You'll open your business to a new international market on the internet
  • ​You'll be able to monitor your sales, add/remove products easily from Shopify's intuitive control panel 
  •  You'll finally be able to gain back your time FREEDOM
 Fill  Out The Form To Get Started
  Your information is 100% safe and never shared.
On the next page you'll be able to schedule a consultation call with us about this service.
And If you apply Today... You'll Get This time-limited bonus Worth over $600 For FREE!
And If you apply Today... You'll Get This time-limited bonus Worth over $600 For FREE!
Time Limited FREE Bonus: 
E-Commerce Email Marketing Campaigns Setup ($690 Value)
Companies make on average $40 for each $1 spent on email marketing. It has the highest ROI among any other communication channel. Email is transactional. People go on their emails to buy. 
Most small to medium businesses fail to use email marketing properly to generate sales to their ecommerce stores.
There are some basic email marketing campaigns you MUST have in your business, that if you just have those you'll instantly boost your sales by 20-30%.

We will set up 3 basic automated email marketing sequences (campaigns) in your Klaviyo account that will automatically increase your sales by recovering lost sales and automatically offering new products to existing customers. We will write the emails, set up the tech, and design them to match your brand. We do all of it.
And If you apply Today... You'll Get This time-limited bonus Worth over $600 For FREE!
And If you apply Today... You'll Get This time-limited bonus Worth over $600 For FREE!
Companies make on average $40 for each $1 spent on email marketing. It has the highest ROI among any other communication channel. Email is transactional. People go on their emails to buy. 

Most small to medium businesses fail to use email marketing properly to generate sales to their ecommerce stores.

There are some basic email marketing campaigns you MUST have in your business, that if you just have those you'll instantly boost your sales by 20-30%.

We will set up 3 basic automated email marketing sequences (campaigns) in your Klaviyo account that will automatically increase your sales by recovering lost sales and automatically offering new products to existing customers.

We will write the emails, set up the tech, and design them to match your brand. We do all of it.
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